Food News

To save you time and share ideas that may improve your school food service program, we curate news stories on school meals and childhood nutrition.

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Date Title Source
8/7/19 Why have schools cut recess time? WXIA-TV
8/7/19 Gourmet burgers? Yes, school lunches have changed WXIA-TV
8/1/19 District provides students regular meals while resolving lunch debt with families WKOW-TV
8/1/19 500,000 children would lose free school meals under Trump plan Star Tribune
8/1/19 Offer versus Serve National School Lunch Program Posters USDA Team Nutrition
7/22/19 Marketing school meals Food Management One-on-One Podcast
7/21/19 USDA announces record funding for farm-to-school grants The Packer
7/21/19 Make nutrition fun for children this summer Miami Times
7/20/19 5 Ways You Can Help Your Community's Kids Eat This Summer
7/20/19 If We All Ate Enough Fruits And Vegetables, There'd Be Big Shortages NPR "The Salt" blog
7/18/19 Hot and Hungry Hunter College New York City Food Policy Center
7/18/19 Can Ramen, Fish Nuggets And Flavor Stations Teach Kids To Love School Lunch? St. Louis Public Radio
7/16/19 USDA Announces Record-Breaking Funding for 2019 Farm to School Grants USDA
7/16/19 Kicking things off for the nation's largest school lunch and breakfast taste-test
7/16/19 Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation: Summer Nutrition Status Report 2019 Food Research and Action Center
7/16/19 How Logging Morning Miles Helps These Kids Learn to Love School Runners World
7/11/19 Why does participation in the federal summer meals program keep dropping? New Food Economy
7/10/19 Hunger takes no summer break: When school's out, the challenge is how to feed more kids NBC News
7/10/19 Successful Approaches to Reduce Sodium in School Meals Study USDA
7/10/19 Child Nutrition Reporting Burden Analysis Study USDA
7/9/19 Obesity may put young people at risk of anxiety, depression Medical News Today
7/9/19 District finds success with family-style meal service Food Management
7/8/19 SNA’s Annual National Conference to Serve Up Healthy School Meal Solutions School Nutrition Association
6/25/19 Baby calf naming contest doubles school breakfast participation Food Management
6/25/19 Trump plan to re-calculate poverty level would affect school lunch, Head Start eligibility Education Dive
6/20/19 Bill introduced to end student lunch debt shaming ABC News
6/19/19 Summer Food Service Program 2019 Infographic USDA
6/18/19 Study: Children More Likely To Gain Weight During Summer Months WLNY-TV
6/16/19 District solves challenge of new hour-long lunch Food Management
6/14/19 Nutritionist shares advice for raising a picky eater: 5 rules to follow at mealtimes Today Show
6/14/19 New review suggests proven ways to cut back on sugary drinks Reuters
6/14/19 New act would allow schools to serve whole, 2% milk WJAC-TV
6/11/19 Know Your Numbers: Summer Hunger KARE-TV
6/10/19 Why is the USDA downplaying good news about this Obama-era school nutrition program? The Washington Post
6/6/19 High school’s breakfast sales skyrocket with after-the-bell kiosks Food Management
6/5/19 State of Obesity School Meals and Snacks The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
6/4/19 The Dairy Community Will Rally Coast to Coast This Summer to Take on Child Hunger PR Newswire
6/3/19 A look at the benefits of universal school meals Addison County Independent
5/30/19 30 million children rely on free school lunch. Where do they eat when school’s out? New Food Economy
5/29/19 CO schools to deliver summer meals in buses with student-created themes KUSA-TV
5/24/19 Schools can't bar students from graduation exercises over unpaid lunch debt, Minnesota AG says Star Tribune
5/23/19 Increasing exercise helps teens fall asleep earlier and stay asleep longer, study finds MinnPost
5/22/19 Pennsylvania schools get funding to expand school breakfast The Meadville Tribune
5/22/19 How Movement and Exercise Help Kids Learn Mindshift/KQED
5/21/19 Can We Stop Kids From Being Shamed Over School Lunch Debt? Civil Eats
5/19/19 Oregon OKs largest expansion of federal free lunch program Associated Press
5/2/19 School Nutrition and Meal Cost Study USDA Food and Nutrition Services
5/1/19 Study Shows Children More Likely To Face Hunger Than Overall Population Across America Feeding America via PR Newswire and Yahoo
4/30/19 HHFKA had significant nutrition impact on school meals Food Management
4/30/19 Milk machine helps curb waste at elementary school Food Management


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“The management provides great support, always providing suggestions and finding the best solutions under USDA guidelines.”
Helen Hindrawati : Yinghua Academy