What's on your #NSLW19 Playlist?

According to the School Nutrition Association, "National School Lunch Week (NSLW) was created in 1962 by President John F. Kennedy. It’s a week-long national observance of events and activities designed to promote the benefits of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). The week recognizes the importance of a healthy school lunch in a child’s life, and the impact it has inside and outside of the classroom." Did you know that nearly 30 million students are served healthy lunches every school day? That’s 5 billion meals annually!

Take advantage of National School Lunch Week, October 14-18, to shine a light on your foodservice program. This year's theme, "School Lunch: What's on Your Playlist?", can be leveraged in lots of fun ways to appeal to students, parents and beyond. Check out the SNA's NSLW19 Toolkits & Handouts for great engagement ideas, including:

  1. Survey students ahead of NSLW to determine your "Top 10 Playlist" and offer those meals during the week.
  2. Create special-edition, themed entree names, such as "Rockin' Rosy Chicken Penne" or "Swinging Sloppy Joe."
  3. Partner with the music department to host a school lunch rap or or song contest, or to have a lunchtime jam session.
  4. Invite local musicians or student musicians/ensembles to play during lunch periods all week.
  5. Ask a student to be DJ during lunch and spin some tunes. Rotate DJs to mix up the playlists during the week.
  6. Invite parents to "Take a Parent to Lunch Day" on Wednesday, October 16. Provide them with a familly-sized recipe of a student-favorite meal that they can prepare at home.
  7. Ask your local elected officials to participate in school lunch one day during the week. While you're asking, request they officially proclaim the week School Lunch Week in your community.

You can also leverage social media to attract attention to your school lunch program and the NSLW activities you have planned prior to, during and after the week-long observation. Consider adding live video to your social mix as the fun happens. Be sure to include good quality photos and graphics with all your posts and include the designated hashtags on your posts: #NSLW19, #SchoolLunch, #SchoolLunchRocks, #LunchPlaylist, #SchoolLunchHits; and one for us -- #CKCGoodFood. We want to see all the fun you're having!


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“Kids love the food. They are so fascinated, so excited for the menu. They like that they have different choices for foods and veggies. Even the staff love the food.”
Fardos Jama : Twin Cities International Schools