Waiver Extensions Make Summer Meals Simple

CKC Good Food truly values the partnerships we have with all our client schools, nonprofits and agencies. With the onset of COVID-19, many of you had to make changes and sacrifices to feed your students. Your passion to feed these scholars did not go unnoticed! We are proud of what you have accomplished these past few months.

With the end of the school year upon us, USDA and the Minnesota Department of Education have extended Child Nutrition Program waivers instituted in response to COVID-19 school closures. These waivers allow programs to continue providing 7-day bundled meals (if this is your preferred option) to your scholars through August 31! Please review the Q&A below for more information.

We understand you may be hesitant to offer summer meals since your administration staff are not contracted to work during the summer months. Please don’t let this deter you from meeting the incredible need among your scholars and your community! CKC can manage meal distribution and make the process quite simple for you. With Summer Food Service Program reimbursement rates ($2.33 for breakfast and $4.08 for lunch) higher than the National School Lunch Program, summer meals could help your program's financial integrity.

Please let us know how CKC can help feed your students and community!

Summer Meal Waiver Q&A

I understand the non-congregate feeding waiver expires on August 31, 2020. Does this mean I can continue to provide our students with meals/meal bundles for pick up or delivery?
Yes, you may continue to offer your students meals for offsite consumption through August 31, 2020.

Do I need to change anything in CLiCS if I want to provide meals through August 31?
Yes, an Interest Survey must be submitted in CLiCS by June 21, 2020 and your school must be approved as “area eligible.” Follow the application instructions found on the Summer Food Service Program application web page.

What does Area Eligibility mean?
The meal site must be located in the attendance area of a school where at least 50% of the children are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals.

Must we have a summer school program to provide meals through August 31?
No, the nationwide waiver to allow non-congregate feeding in Child Nutrition Programs was extended through August 31, 2020.

If we are not currently offering meals/bundled meals for delivery or pick up, can we start?
Please contact MDE at mde.fns@state.mn.us to get approval to offer SFSP meals. Once you have received approval, please contact CKC Good Food.

Who do I contact at MDE with questions regarding SFSP, area eligibility and summer school programs?
Please email mde.fns@state.mn.us. You may also leave a voicemail at 651.582.8526. Due to the volume of questions, MDE prefers emails instead of phone calls. You should receive a response within 48 hours.

Who do I contact at CKC Good Food if I want to offer meals through August 31?
Please email Barb Reinhold, Matt Anderson and Nancy Close by Friday, June 12 with your intent to offer meals through August 31. Email them now.


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“CKC’s dedication to high quality nutritious food options for children and their commitment to above-and-beyond customer service makes CKC a valued partner of Hiawatha Academies.”
Sean Elder : Hiawatha Academies