Join us for the Great Apple Crunch!

Join the 2024 Great Apple Crunch to celebrate Minnesota farmers, healthy people and strong communities! When you crunch on Thursday, October 10, you will be among MILLIONS of crunchers all across the state and country!

Participating in the Crunch is simple. We'll supply you with Minnesota-grown HONEYCRISP apples (or applesauce for select childcare sites) as part of your choose all the fun ways you can make the most of the celebration. REGISTER your participation to receive resources and crunch stickers.

Planning Your Crunch

Make your Great Apple Crunch more than just eating apples as part of the day's lunch. The "register" page linked above has a complete Crunch Guide. Consider:

  • How to involve staff and parents
  • Inviting a local orchard to give a lesson on growing, harvesting and cooking with apples
  • Staging a social media photo/video of everyone crunching together. Post to your social feeds with #GreatAppleCrunch, #MNAppleCrunch, #MNFarmtoSchool and #MNLittleCrunchers
  • Arranging a field trip to a local orchard
  • Preparing an apple-based recipe with your students
  • Sharing nutrition facts about apples as well as Minnesota's rich history with the fruit. (Check out our blog post with SweeTango and Honeycrisp apple facts!)
  • Hold an apple-related bake sale, recipe exchange or cooking contest

We'd love to hear other ideas! Share your thoughts with us and others on Facebook and Instagram!

After your event, please email photos of your crunchers to


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“Kids love the food. They are so fascinated, so excited for the menu. They like that they have different choices for foods and veggies. Even the staff love the food.”
Fardos Jama : Twin Cities International Schools