F2S Supplier Spotlight: Svihel Vegetable Farm

In honor of National Farm-to-School Month, we're highlighting a few regional growers that supply produce to CKC Good Food. We hope you enjoy reading about these local, family-owned businesses.

cantelope.jpgSvihel Vegetable Farm began 40 years ago with a single roadside market, selling produce to happy customers in small-town Minnesota.  Folks loved the family's produce, so they continued to expand their farm in Foley, Minnesota. Today, they farm 950 acres of fruits and vegetables - everything from melons and peppers to berries, asparagus, cauliflower and root vegetables, like carrots and beets. During berry season, Svihel's sells pre-picked blueberries, raspberries and strawberries or welcomes customers to pick their own at the farm.

CKC is proud to include Svihel's cantelope and cucumbers on our menus during Farm-to-School Month and other produce throughout the growing season.


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“The salad bar is bountiful, beautiful and fresh every day. I can't believe how many vegetables the kids are eating!”
Kim Hyvarenen : Nova Classical Academy