CKC maximizes USDA Foods/commodities

USDA Foods, commonly referred to as "commodities," are one of the most effective ways to ensure the budget integrity of your school food service program. If you make the most of these government-subsidized foods, you can dramatically decrease the ingredient costs of your meals. 

Commodities entitlements for next year are based on your school's lunch participation this year. More kids eating lunch today, regardless if they are free or reduced or paid, means more commodities' entitlements next year. That's just one more reason why it's important for CKC Good Food - or any food service vendor - to maintain the highest possible participation in your school lunch program. We're proud that our multiple 6-week menu rotations that feature a variety of kid-tested and approved entrees help keep kids interested and participating in lunch all year long. Our schools have historically had very high commodities' entitlements.

Equally important to earning the most commodities possible is actually using those foods to their fullest extent in your menus. There's no sense earning free food and letting it go to waste! CKC Good Food's delicious, chef-created menus have been developed with commodities' use in mind. Every year, we use our client schools' commodities completely and return the full amount of their reimbursements to them.

USDA Commodity Surveys for 2018-2019 will be out soon. CKC client schools can contact General Manager Laurie Yohn, SNS to have CKC complete the survey on your behalf.


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“The salad bar is bountiful, beautiful and fresh every day. I can't believe how many vegetables the kids are eating!”
Kim Hyvarenen : Nova Classical Academy