Celebrating You on #SLHD

We support and recognize the hard work of child nutrition professionals – both our team members and our clients’ employees. On Friday, May 7, School Lunch Hero Day, others will join us in celebrating your efforts to keep our country’s kids well nourished.

This has been an exceptional year – one like no other in our lifetime. You who work in the schools, childcare and nonprofit organizations have gracefully adapted to frequent changes in MDE requirements, CDC and MDH safety protocols and district/organizational procedures. You learned on the fly, brainstormed with peers, likely took criticism from administrators and parents, and yet you persevered. On behalf of your kids, their parents and our country, we say “THANK YOU!”.

The COVID-19 pandemic put you in the spotlight and helped people realize how critical your work is to the fabric of our society. Food service is often taken for granted and seen as secondary to academics and programming but now has gained greater appreciation…we hope for the long term.

On School Lunch Hero Day, Friday, May 7, enjoy the recognition that comes your way. And, share on social media the stories and photos of how you and your team have addressed the challenges of this past year. (Use #SLHD and tag us – CKCGoodFood on Twitter and Facebook.)

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“The salad bar is bountiful, beautiful and fresh every day. I can't believe how many vegetables the kids are eating!”
Kim Hyvarenen : Nova Classical Academy